About John Hill

I’ve worked as an executive coach, team coach, and leadership development specialist for 17 years. I mostly work as a team coach, holding a systemic lens, helping leaders and leadership teams respond to the multitude of challenges they face continuously and to be better equipped to meet those challenges, holistically and healthily.

I am a director at the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC) one of the leading coach training academies in the UK which enables me to work closely with my fantastic colleagues, helping to influence our profession through one of the key global contributors to coach training. It is a real privilege. 

I am accredited by the Association for Coaching (AC) as an executive coach with over 2000 hours of professional practice, and accredited as a Master Practitioner Systemic Team Coach, having worked with many teams in diverse sectors and different countries. I am also accredited as a Coach Supervisor with the Coaching Supervision Academy. I am qualified to work with several different individual and team diagnostic and psychometric tools like Insights Discovery, Mirror Mirror Team Reflector, and Team Connect 360. 

As is best practice, I have engaged in coaching supervision myself for many years, helping me maintain and enhance my professional practice and address the personal, professional, and ethical challenges that all coaches face.